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Haug Bürsten, toilet-brush

Haug Bürsten, toilet-brush

  • toilet brush made of polypropylene
  • medium-hard, not flagged bristles (Ø 0.35 mm)
  • heat resistant bristles against hot air up to 80°C
  • HACCP suitable

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Toilet-brush from Haug Bürsten

The toilet brush made of polypropylene has medium-hard bristles, which are also made of polypropylene. The bristles are stable thanks to their not flagged fibre ends, making them ideal for sanitary cleaning. In addition, the toilet brush guarantees heat resistance against hot air up to 80°C and is HACCP suitable.

The features of the toilet-brush at a glance:

  • PP toilet brush with PP bristles with Ø 0,35 mm
  • medium-hard bristles with unslit fibre ends
  • heat resistant bristles against hot air from 0°C to 80°C
  • HACCP suitable


Type of outer packaging: cardboard
material: PP

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