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Kitchen cleaning

Good products for kitchen cleaning are highly effective against grease and incrustations. They thoroughly clean kitchen work surfaces, the cooker as well as the dishes in the dishwasher. The Hygoclean range for kitchen cleaning includes high-quality top products that are approved for kitchen and food areas

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Dishwasher detergent - no chlorine/phosphates
Wichtige Information: Dieses Produkt zählt zu den Gefahrgütern. Gefahrgüter befördern wir nurinnerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums und nur an per Schiene oder Straße erreichbare Adressen. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu auch unsere AGB (Abschnitt V.1).Spülmaschinenreiniger von HygocleanDer konzentrierte Geschirr-Reiniger ist dank der alkalischen Formel sehr wirksam gegen hartnäckigen Schmutz, Speisereste und Fettrückstände.  Das Konzentrat ist geruchsneutral  und eignet sich für mittelhartes bis hartes Wasser. Der Spülmaschinenreiniger ist sowohl chlor- als auch phosphatfrei.Zusatzinfo: ph-Wert: 13-14 | made in germany
Dishwasher tabs (2in1)
Spülmaschinentabs 2in1 Die Geschirrspültabs vereinen sowohl Reiniger als auch Klarspüler in einem.  Die hochkonzentrierten Tabs sind sehr effektiv gegen hartnäckigen Schmutz und verhindern Wasserflecken. Sie sorgen für einen strahlenden Glanz und sind einzeln cellophaniert. Zusatzinfo: ph-Wert: 1 | made in germany
Dishwasher detergent with active chlorine
Wichtige Information: Dieses Produkt zählt zu den Gefahrgütern. Gefahrgüter befördern wir nurinnerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums und nur an per Schiene oder Straße erreichbare Adressen. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu auch unsere AGB (Abschnitt V.1).Spülmaschinenreiniger von HygoCleanDieser flüssige Spülmaschinenreiniger mit Aktiv-Chlor reinigt das Geschirr zuverlässig gegen Kaffe-, tee- und Bierrückstände sowie von Stärke und Speiseresten. Er eignet sich für alle gewerblichen Spülmaschinen und Dosieranlagen. Für weiches bis mittelhartes Wasser.Zusatzinfo: Made in Germany | ph-Wert: 14
Neutral rinse aid for dishwashers
Neutraler Klarspüler von HygocleanDer Spülmaschinen Klarspüler eignet sich hervorragend für Anlagen mit Osmose-Wasser. Er verleiht jeder Art von Geschirr einen strahlenden Glanz und schont dabei das Dekor. Der Klarspüler ist sehr schaumarm und trocknet selbstständig. Allerdings eignet er sich nur bedingt bei harten oder stark salzhaltigem Wasser.Zusatzinfo: ph-Wert: 7 | made in germany
Kleen Purgatis Convinia, hand dishwashing detergent
Kleen Purgatis Convinia, hand dishwashing detergent CONVINIA is a highly effective, user-friendly and material-friendly concentrate for manual cleaning of items such as dishes, glass, cutlery and porcelain. It is grease dissolving, foam active and has a good drainage capacity. Properties of Kleen Purgatis Convinia, hand dishwashing detergent at a glance: universal cleaning performance against organic soiling very good material compatibility dries quickly and without streaks
Kleen Purgatis Prestan, stainless steel maintainer
Kleen Purgatis Prestan, stainless steel maintainer from Kleen Purgatis Kleen Purgatis Prestan stainless steel maintainer is suitable for use on anodised surfaces, chrome, aluminium, nickel and brass. In addition to the dirt and water repellent effect, it is characterised by the fact that visible fingerprints are avoided. Furthermore, with regular use, the treated surfaces become dirtier more slowly. Properties of the "Prestan" stainless steel maintainer at a glance: protects and cares for VA surfaces care, polishing and protection in just one step repels dirt and water protects against soiling avoids visible fingerprints suitable for use on anodised surfaces, nickel, brass, chrome, aluminium,
Kleen Purgatis glas detergent
Glass detergent from Kleen Purgatis The powerful glass detergent comes with the characteristics to be non-foaming and easily to be rinsed off. The balanced composition of the glass detergent has been specially developed to clean glass and porcelain optimally in glasswashers, with a pH value 14. The glasswashing detergent is also environmentally friendly and gentle on materials. Features of the glass detergent powerful and non-foaming glass detergent easy to rinse off gentle to materials due to balanced composition of ingredients pH value 14 environmentally friendly
Regeneration salt
Regeneriersalz für Geschirrspülmaschinen Das grobe Spezialsalz sorgt für eine ideale Wasserenthärtung und schützt zuverlässig gegen Kalk. Dank des Salzes wird das Geschirr strahlend-sauber.  Zusatzinfo: ph-Wert: 7 | made in germany
Kleen Purgatis Purina alkaline, Fatsolvents | canister
Fatsolvents Purina alkaline from Kleen Purgatis The fatsolvents Purina is alkynic and is suitable to clean any type of filthy surface caused by grease, egg white and oil. The fatsolvent only produces a minimal amount of foam when used, which makes it perfect to treat machines. It is best to be used for the cleaning of greasy floors, surfaces and cooker hoods. Additionally, Purina can be also be utilized for automated dosing, e.g. foam cannon. Features of the fatsolvents Purina alkaline alkine fatsolvent use to successfully clean filthy surfaces caused by grease, egg white or oil treatment of machines possible due to minimal foam-development effective for wiping greasy floors, surfaces and cooker hoods
Oven cleaner
Wichtige Information: Dieses Produkt zählt zu den Gefahrgütern. Gefahrgüter befördern wir nurinnerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums und nur an per Schiene oder Straße erreichbare Adressen. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu auch unsere AGB (Abschnitt V.1).Grill- und Backofenreiniger von HygoCleanDieser Grill- und Backofenreiniger verspricht höchste Reinigungskraft, gegen Fette, hartnäckige Verkrustungen, verharzte Öle und Verbrennungsrückstände. Für hygienisch reine und fettfreie Oberflächen. Er eignet sich optimal zur Reinigung von Grills, Backöfen, Fritteusen, Dunstabzugshauben, Backblechen (Stahl), Räucherkammern, und/ oder Konvekautomaten. Der Grill- und backofenreiniger für leichtes und zeitsparendes Reinigen ohne Scheuern: einfach Gerät einsprühen und je nach Verschmutzung 2-6 Min. einwirken lassen!Zusatzinfo: made in Germany | ph-Wert: 13
Acid rinse aid for dishwashers
Wichtige Information: Dieses Produkt zählt zu den Gefahrgütern. Gefahrgüter befördern wir nurinnerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums und nur an per Schiene oder Straße erreichbare Adressen. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu auch unsere AGB (Abschnitt V.1).Saurer Klarspüler für Spülmaschinen von HygoCleanMit dem sauren Klarspüler von HygoClean verleihen Sie Ihrem Geschirr einen sauberen Glanz. Auch bei Glas, Porzellan, Kunststoff, Edelstahl oder Aluminium. Der Reiniger ist für alle Wasserhärten geeignet.Zusatzinfo: Made in Germany | ph-Wert: 3
Acid descaler
Wichtige Information: Dieses Produkt zählt zu den Gefahrgütern. Gefahrgüter befördern wir nurinnerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums und nur an per Schiene oder Straße erreichbare Adressen. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu auch unsere AGB (Abschnitt V.1).
Smoke resin remover
Wichtige Information: Dieses Produkt zählt zu den Gefahrgütern. Gefahrgüter befördern wir nurinnerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums und nur an per Schiene oder Straße erreichbare Adressen. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu auch unsere AGB (Abschnitt V.1).Rauchharzlöser von HygoCleanDer gegen extreme Verschmutzungen und Fettverkrustungen bestens geeignete Rauchharzlöser reinigt zuverlässig Grillgeräte, Backöfen, Wurstkochkesseln, Rauchkammern, Bratanlagen und Konvektomaten. Er ist hochwirksam und für den Lebenmittelbereich geeignet. Verdünnt kann er auch für alkalibeständigen Oberflächen, wie z.B. Edelstahl, Polyethylen, Hart-PVC oder Polypropylen eingesetzt werden.Zusatzinfo: Made in Germany | ph-Wert: 12-14
Kleen Purgatis Vanulan, dishwashing agent
Dishwashing agent Vanulan from Kleen Purgatis The dishwashing agent Vanulan is particularly skin-friendly and gentle on materials. The strong grease-dissolving power of the dishwashing agent enables effective cleaning, only requiring small doses. No drying is necessary after rinsing, as even air-dried results shine without e.g. water stains. Vanulan comes with a pleasant scent and is easy on the drain. The features of the dishwashing agent Vanulan skin-friendly gentle on materials strong grease-dissolving power only small doses necessary for excellent results no additional drying needed pleasent scent
Kleen Purgatis Trymat Ultra, dishwashing agent tabs
Dishwashing agent tabs Trymat Ultra from Kleen Purgatis The 18 gram, concentrated dishwashing agent tabs Trymat Ultra clean your dishes alkaline and highly effective, without using chlorine and without wearing off glass surfaces. Even stubborn stains are removed, plus the Trymat Ultra convinces with its excellent water hardness compatibility and low foam formation. The dish detergent tabs are gentle on the environment and have a low impact on waste water. Trymat Ultra can be ideally used with commercial single-tank and household dishwashers. The features of the dishwashing agent tabs Trymat Ultra 18g dishwasher detergent tabs made from concentrate alkaline and effective cleaning of dishes without chlorine gentle to glass removes even stubborn tea or coffee stains excellent water compatibility minimal foam production environment & waste water-friendly use for single-tank and household dishwashers
Multipurpose Disinfectant cleaner
Wichtige Information: Dieses Produkt zählt zu den Gefahrgütern. Gefahrgüter befördern wir nur innerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums und nur an per Schiene oder Straße erreichbare Adressen. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu auch unsere AGB (Abschnitt V.1).
Kleen Purgatis Purina alkaline, Fatsolvents | ready to use
Fatsolvents Purina alkaline ready to use by Kleen Purgatis The alkaline Fatsolvent Purina is used for grease removing cleaning on all washable and alkali-resistant surfaces and objects. It is ideal for cleaning floors, work surfaces and extractor hoods that are heavily soiled with grease, which is why it is particularly recommended for commercial kitchens, canteens, butchers and dairies. In the process, it powerfully cleans surfaces that may be soiled with grease, protein or oil. The Fatsolvent Purina is nevertheless not only qualified for food processing companies, but can also be used for HD devices.  Overview of the Fatsolvent Purina:  ready to use and alkaline  for fat-dissolving cleaning on washable and alkali-resistant surfaces suitable for grease soiled floors, work surfaces, extractor hoods powerful cleaning Recommendation for commercial kitchens, canteens, butcher's shops and dairies
Kleen Purgatis Granit S Spray, grill- and oven cleaner
Grill- and oven cleaner Granit S Spray from Kleen Purgatis The strongly alkaline grill- and oven cleaner Granit S Spray cleans grill and oven units and is gentle on the metal at the same time. The Granit S Spray can be used on cool and heated surfaces to successfully remove burnt-in organic residues such as grease or charring. Regular use of the grill and oven cleaner will also make the removal of residues much easier. The features of the grill- and oven cleaner Granit S Spray strongly alkaline gentle on the metal can be applied on cool and heated surfaces even burnt-in organic residues are removed regular use leads to noticeably enhanced dissolution of the residues
Kleen Purgatis Purina Multi Kleen Tab Pro, kitchen cleaner tabs
Kleen Purgatis Purina Multi Kleen Tab Pro, kitchen cleaning tabsPURINA MULTI KLEEN TAB PRO is a particularly economical and environmentally friendly cleaning system for your kitchen. It consists of a refillable, reusable empty bottle and a mildly alkaline tab concentrate. Fill the spray bottle with water and add a tab. The cleaning tab dissolves and your efficient kitchen cleaner is ready. It reliably removes organic soiling and dries without leaving streaks. Rinsing is not necessary, which saves a lot of time in everyday life. With Kleen Purgatis PURINA MULTI KLEEN TAB PRO, you can clean all surfaces and objects in the kitchen economically and efficiently. For your first order, please order both the cleaning tabs and the empty bottle. The tabs are sufficient for subsequent orders. The spray bottle can be used several times and thus helps to avoid waste and protect the environment, EU Ecolabel certified.Features of Kleen Purgatis Purina Multi Kleen Tab Pro, kitchen cleaning tabs at a glance:sustainable system consisting of empty bottle and cleaning tabsuniversal cleaning performance on routine surfaces against organic soilingvery good material compatibilitydries quickly and streak-free, no rinsing required
Type of packaging
Maintenance cleaner
Kleen Purgatis Granit Tab F, deep fryer cleaner tabs
Kleen Purgatis Granit Tab F, deep fryer cleaner tabs GRANIT TAB F is a highly effective, user-friendly, strong alkaline tab concentrate for cleaning deep fryers. It removes stubborn organic soiling such as starch and protein residues, burnt-on residues and charring.  Properties of Kleen Purgatis Granit Tab F, deep fryer cleaner tabs at a glance: comprehensive, highly effective cleaning performance of deep fat fryers in routine against organic soiling intensive dissolving power of burnt and carbonized deposits user-friendly due to self-acting cleaning

Kitchen cleaning

A clean kitchen is a must - especially in professional areas where hygiene standards must be maintained. To save you time and clean your kitchen thoroughly, Franz Mensch offers you an extensive range of cleaning products for the kitchen. Kitchen cleaning products are suitable for food areas and leave nothing but cleanliness. The cleaning agents are effective against grease and encrusted dirt. You will also find dishwasher cleaners and special cleaners for kitchen work surfaces here in the shop.

Specially designed for catering kitchens and professional kitchens, Franz Mensch offers you everything you need for cleanliness and hygiene in your business.


Kitchen cleaning: Advantages of professional cleaning products

Uniquely effective: Our products for kitchen cleaning are absolutely effective. They are the first choice for keeping your catering kitchen hygienic and spotless while meeting the highest professional standards.

Versatile application possibilities: Whether in star restaurants, large kitchens or catering services - our cleaning products for kitchens are versatile: from the thorough cleaning of kitchen equipment to the care of surfaces - our products are the reliable choice.

Effective cleaning performance: The special properties of the cleaning agents ensure effective cleaning. Choose exactly the cleaner you need - whether limescale, grease or burnt-on encrustations.

Time and cost savings: With professional cleaning agents for the kitchen, you save time and also costs in the long run. The cleaning agents are productive, economical and can be used in a targeted manner.

Comfort and flexibility: Our kitchen cleaning products are powerful and offer a high level of comfort. Less scrubbing, less hassle - clean your kitchen quickly and in a few easy steps.

Trust in the proven quality of Franz Mensch and invest in cleaning products for the kitchen that meet high demands. Discover our range now and experience the unbeatable combination of quality, hygiene and convenience for yourself!