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Responsibility for people and nature

We at Franz Mensch are aware of our special responsibility for environmental protection. A healthy nature is indispensable for humans and animals – and to survive, it needs our protection. We believe that disposables and sustainability are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Learn more here.

Using the sun

With the new building in 2017, a 1,500 sqm photovoltaic system with an output of approx. 240 kWp was already installed.

In 2022, the area was doubled to 3,000 sqm and the plant output was improved to 300 kWp.

An additional extension of approx. 140 kWp is planned.

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Fill up electricity

We use electric vehicles in our fleet to reduce CO2 emissions.

All employees can charge their private vehicles free of charge at one of our 24 charging stations.

In addition, our employees have the option of leasing a bicycle at a favourable price.

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CO2-free by 2030

Our goal is to be CO2-free at our company location in Buchloe by 2030.

This means that no carbon dioxide is released and therefore no CO2 emissions are produced.

Today, we have already achieved a good 85 % of this target, but we want to do even better.

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Strong brand NATUREStar

With NATUREStar, we have had our own range for disposable biodegradable products made of wood, bamboo, sugar cane, etc. since 2016.

With now around 600 organic products, you will find a unique selection of sustainable consumables at Franz Mensch.

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FSC® certified

FSC® is the sign for responsible forest management.

We also value responsibility: since February 2019, Franz Mensch has been FSC® certified. The products are marked with the label accordingly.

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Sustainable from A to Z

From renewable raw materials and environmentally friendly manufacturing to sustainable packaging and recycling of the products used.

We attach great importance to ensuring that you receive an all-round sustainable product.

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Active for the rainforest

We have been involved in various rainforest projects for over 15 years. Together with the WWF and the organizations "Rettet den Regenwald e.V." and "OroVerde – Die Tropenwaldstiftung" (OroVerde – The Tropical Forest Foundation), for example, we have purchased and thus saved around 6 million sqm of rainforest area!

The Franz Mensch Climate Foundation

In order to draw attention to the increasing climate crisis, the managing directors Achim and Axel Theiler founded the Franz Mensch Klima Stiftung gGmbH and endowed it with sufficient capital to launch targeted information campaigns in cooperation with Fridays for Future.

Certifiably sustainable

Franz Mensch was honoured with the bronze medal in the EcoVadis rating. This award recognises our commitment to greater sustainability. The areas of environmental protection, working conditions, human rights, ethical behaviour and sustainable procurement processes were evaluated.

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Elementary school painting competition

The company Franz Mensch has its roots in Bavaria and is also committed regionally. Therefore, the local Comenius elementary school in Buchloe is supported every year. Thus, in 2022, the big painting competition took place for the 18th time. The prize money for the class coffers was a donation worth a total of 500 euros.

Over 190,000 FFP masks for Togo

Donation to Humedica: protective clothing manufacturer Franz Mensch donates 13,200 FFP1 masks, 140,000 FFP2 masks, 39,500 FFP3 masks: a total of 192,700 respirators for humanitarian purposes. The aid organization Humedica thanks Franz Mensch for the numerous donations in kind over the past years.

Donation for Hospital in Zimbabwe

We regularly support aid projects around the world, such as the Chikombedzi Mission Hospital in Zimbabwe. Through the Inter-nationaler Hilfsfonds e.V., Franz Mensch donated disposable medical supplies. The dentist, who comes to the hospital every 2-3 months to treat the village population, could also use the products very well.

For those who want to know more:
Our guideline to sustainability

In our guideline, you can read in detail what we are already doing to protect the climate and what targets we have set ourselves for the coming years.

"The topic of sustainability is very close to our hearts personally," say our managing directors Achim and Axel Theiler.

That's why we want to take responsibility for ourselves and our children.